It's Where All my Crap Is
1. Lady in Fancy Hat silkscreened cotton canvas throw pillow - utilitarianfranchise
2. Balloon and Cat - Wall Decal - shadowtheatre

2. Balloon and Cat - Wall Decal - shadowtheatre
3. Wall Clock Face Round Light Switch Plate Cover - ImpressionsExpress
4. Arsenic and Old Lace - Lamplighter
One thing is clear as I prepare to move...I need cooler crap. So I found some nice steampunk wares for the home that are still subtle enough for everyday use. There were a plethora of similar throw pillows to class up the joint as well as many interesting wall decals. I thought the switch plate covers were quite cute and you simply cannot go wrong with an elaborate lamp shade. Full disclosure, yes I did do the tatting on that lamp.
4. Arsenic and Old Lace - Lamplighter
One thing is clear as I prepare to move...I need cooler crap. So I found some nice steampunk wares for the home that are still subtle enough for everyday use. There were a plethora of similar throw pillows to class up the joint as well as many interesting wall decals. I thought the switch plate covers were quite cute and you simply cannot go wrong with an elaborate lamp shade. Full disclosure, yes I did do the tatting on that lamp.
Elegant with just a whiff of steam punk - love it!
Love that pillow. WANT!
I agree with chiklit but I really want the lady's hat
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