...Or Gothasol

2. Brown and Black Parasol Steampunk EGL Lolita OOAK - dbvictoria
3. Urban Neovictorian - exoskeletoncabaret
4. Couture - UntamedMenagerie
Yeah, I totally stole that word from Goths In Hot Weather...don't tell 'kay. As the summer turns to winter (we don't get fall here) I started thinking about those clouds over head. Yes, I know gothasols are for protecting ones delicate flesh from the daystar (also stolen from GIHW), but I'm a traditionalist and my hair dye runs if it gets too wet...I'm just sayin'.
I have that Yuki print! It's so gorgeous.
Thank you belatedly for the feature - that's one of my most over-the-top pieces that I've ever made, and I love it terribly!
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