
All the cute and the precious have been found. All the kitties and puppies have homes. The candy colored, the eco-friendly, the hipsters of the handmade are all duly covered elsewhere. Here I will find the slightly odd, the darkly beautiful, the elegant and steamy pieces of goodness. I am very particular in my tastes and though I promise you that I will share nothing but the most intriguing of my discoveries, you may not always like them. I must also confess that I have no real artistic nor fashion background to base my finds upon. These are simply discoveries dug up from the depths of etsy or perhaps elsewhere, brushed off and presented for your approval.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Welcome friends and new explorers to the redesigned Wunderkammer. It has a new look, but rest assured, I will continue to showcase the same Steamy, Gothy and different finds.To celebrate the new look, I am proud to present:

The Great Wunderkammer Giveaway!

The Rules:
-Troll though the Wunderkammer's many posts
-Pick your favorite post or featured item and then come back here to this blog post, and leave a comment telling me what it was (if you can't find anything perhaps this giveaway is not for you.)
-Your comment profile must include contact information, if it doesn't be sure to leave a valid email address in your comment or your entry is void.(if I can't tell you that you won, what good is entering)
-This step is mandatory to be entered!!!

But wait there's more

-For an additional entry, simply follow the Wunderkammer (if you already follow the blog, just let me know in your comment)
-For another additional entry, tweet this giveaway, then leave a comment with a link to your tweet (you can follow me on twitter too...if you want)
-Finally for two entries, blog about this giveaway on your own blog, facebook, livejournal, ect. (complete with links and pictures), and come back and leave a link to your post.
-This contest is open to residents of the Earth only, seriously all humans welcome, aliens not so much.
-Contest ends on Friday August 21st. Winners will be chosen by random number generator and announced the following Monday.

Did I say winners... plural? Yes, I did. Here's where this giveaway is a bit different. You see, I always found it a bit anti productive to plug someone else's giveaway thus reducing my chances of winning. What if, however, more entrants meant more prizes? Here's my solution, for every 25 unique individuals(not entries) entering another prize will be added to the list. So if 26 people enter, I will add a second prize, 51 another until all seven prizes are unlocked.

Now the prizes all graciously donated by featured Artisans:
Prize 1:SteamPunk Key Pendant by Aranel

Prize 2:Absinthe Magnet by WinonaCookie

Prize 3:Leather Circlet Crown by Tom Banwell

Prize 4:$30 Gift Certificate to Adornments For Tarts by Choklit

Prize 5:Scotch Liquor Label Necklace by BellaLili

Prize 6:
Gear Necklace by Zkitten

Prize7:Custom Drawstring Bustle Skirt by Crescentwench

Remember each prize is only available once we reach the right amount of entrants. So get commenting and spreading the word about the Great Wunderkammer Giveaway and our different discoveries.

Also a huge thank you to Sarah of IndustrialFairyTale for the amazing blog makeover. Be sure to stop by her etsy shop as well for amazing art and jewelry.

Bookmark and Share


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 226   Newer›   Newest»
Patience Ann said...

Ahhh, too hard to pick, but I often randomly wish that I had the set of 4 octopus tentacle earrings from #72, alas they are sold out... not that I could afford them anyway! OctopusMe's got a crapton of other awesome tentacly goodness, though.

Also, I already follow, I have blogged here: http://mermaidligan.blogspot.com/2009/08/squee-worthy-giveaway.html and twittered here: http://twitter.com/millarca/status/3225221090 Do those need to be separate comments?

TotusMel said...

You're good with one as long as it's got everything listed & it does...good luck!

Marcheline said...

My favorite? Monday, March 30,2009 - Gadgets and Gizmos! I adore the steampunkery of machine art. Excellent!

Please enter me in the giveaway - I'm following your blog, and I've also added you to my blogroll on my steampunk blog at www.mrssplapthing.blogspot.com

Email me the wonderful news at a_j_voight_@hotmail.com


- Marcheline

Sara said...

I'm so happy! This is a fabulous way to start this week- thanks! I have three favorites- I couldn't choose.

I live in t-shirts and love it, so of course, July 13th- I want them all.
July 8th's bolero by motheroflondon should have been mine.
And the velvet draped dress on March 31st (although I like everything that day) is gorgeous!

I've retweeted you (vikki77) too.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite posts was the GAS one with the post-apocalyptic circus woman print (of course) and I also liked the one with the post-apocalyptic artwork but I couldn't find that specific post when I searched...? It was hard to narrow it down to be honest. :)

Email me at the following: thestapeliacompany (at) gmail.com


Zenknitter LesleyD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zenknitter LesleyD said...

I'm following you on Twitter now. I'm LesleyD.

I absolutely love the steam punk gear you post. I absolutely love that gear necklace.

PurrPrints said...

The gear necklace you have here is gorgeous, so i hope there's enough comments ot unlock it.

As far as previous posts, I liked this one http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/by-sea.html especially the first print you featured there

Lily said...

i love the lady in fancy hat pillow from the home post on july 22nd.

PurrPrints said...

Also, I'm now following your blog

PurrPrints said...

Oh - and I did a special tweet on your giveaway from the EtsyGiveaways twitter account - it's tweet 284 at http://twitter.com/etsygiveaways

Amber said...

The clockwork armadillo from June 30th is my favorite!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog!
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

i have to say

since the insect containment unit was perfect for my steampunk larp character, and I bought it! :D

I already follow the blog.
Tweeted http://twitter.com/k8et/status/3230173538

will try to get time to blog/FB later today and get back to you :P

k8et1120 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sarah Dungan said...

I like a lot of the jackets and dresses you pick out, and the brass squid. But I liked BUBBLE HEAD ROBOT by jewelsvine so much that I own one now :-)

I follow your blog and now I can edit it MUAHAHA er...*coughs* c

Diana Maria said...

After surfing through all the posts, this one is one of my favorites, though making a choice was quite difficult!


I must say this terrarium is absolutely amazing:

Thank you so much for sharing!

Diana Maria

Sewicked said...

I was so torn. You've had so many things that I love. There's the Heretic Halter, the motheroflondon bolero, black linen steampunk short-sleeved top, etc. Finally though, I decided. I lurrrv the rust oak leak vixen pirate coat.

I've been following you for ages. I'll go ahead & retweet (I know some people who should really see your stuff).

Anonymous said...

on august the 3rd, you showed an awesome Velvet Luna Moth Brooch from ratsliveonnoevilstar. It's great, and I want it!

gemini5757 at hotmail.com

AM said...

The Jackets Required post as I adore this jacket:


Shame about the aliens not being welcome, but good luck to everyone else! =)

(email in blogger profile)

Oh and congrats on the blog makeover!

Elizabeth Darvill said...

I LOVE the chainmail halter top you featured on June 19th!! If had tons of money to spare it would be mine!!

Also I am following your blog and tweeted about it! http://twitter.com/lizdarvill

I will blog about it later! Thanks for the fab contest :)



Nixon Sixx said...

It's very hard to pick just one! But I'm going with Chicken Legs: (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/05/chicken-legs.html) as I have an endless fixation on dead birds.

be back tomorrow to leave a blog link- of course Haute Macabre will be passing this along to our readers!

Unknown said...

oh so hard to pick! the little robot pendant from a few posts back is SO ADORABLE tho. (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/08/robot.html)

I'll be posting about this tomorrow, send a couple more people your way (and I tweeted already - http://twitter.com/Emi_FTLoB) - that skirt is simply to die for, gotta make sure it gets unlocked!


Anonymous said...

What a brilliant giveaway my fingers are crossed. I simply adore the scotch necklace it's gorgeous .Thanks again for such a wonderful giveaway.Helen

Anonymous said...

this is such a cool giveaway I hope I win a prize. I love the steampunk key necklace It's beautiful. Marian


. c h o k l i t . said...

Makeover is STUNNING! Hooray!

Uh, I'm already a follower. Just Facebooked, tweeted, and hopefully will have time to do a blog post tomorrow...


AJ said...

Love the new look for the Wunderkammer, it's beautiful!

Now, for much contest entering!
1: My favorite item is the steampunk metal bra! I would love one for a belly dance costume. Also love the velvet luna moth brooch.

2: I've been following the Wunderkammer since it started.

3: I blogged about the contest, complete with a pic of the prize I most covet! http://erthefae.blogspot.com/2009/08/oh-to-be-full-of-win.html

4: I also Tweeted it up. http://twitter.com/erthefae/status/3233163065

5: I posted about it on Facebook, too. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/erthefae?ref=profile

Angela said...

It's so hard to choose - and i've been secretly lurking for so long! But recently, your Far East post (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/far-east.html) spoke to me - i adore the bustle dress especially (which is odd - i'm not usually drawn to anything with pink hues). As far as mind candy, I enjoyed the Post Apocalyptic set of images, particularly the first and last ones.

Here's a valid contact email:
matt_owns_me(at) yahoo(dot)com

i'm a follower of yours through that same email.

Anonymous said...

That traveller pendant really does it for me! I love that whole post - the sense of the unknown. I hope it's ok for this to be linked to my blog as a contact in case I am lucky. I check my blog everyday. The last time I left an email address in a comment I got massively spammed. I'm also a follow of your blog through bloglines. I love it!

Dr.InSectus said...


I get sucked in to anything puffy!
Been following you longtimes. :)


Jeni said...

This is an easy one for me! I so loved the Bettie B Dangerous swimsuit on July 3rd that I bought it. I am SO completely in love with this suit. I have literally never loved a suit like I love this one. Thanks!!!

Jeni said...

I tweeted this awesome contest!


And I love your new look!

Unknown said...

I loved the "Gas" post, especially the mask and the necklace: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/gas.html

I don't use blogger, but you're my buddy on Twitter. :) I'm @lilascot !

Tweet! http://twitter.com/lilascot/statuses/3236425262

Gillian said...

There's so much that's gorgeous: pointing to one is hard. I think, though, that I like the Steampunk Alice in Wonderland best.

My email is gpolack(at)triviumpublishing(dot)com

AndiB said...

Just one? Ouch. So many to love, but I think I shall go with "Running the Gauntlet"--hadn't seen it until tonight.

AndiB said...

And I tweeted here:


Kiwi said...

This was the first time I was pointed in the direction to your site (and it's now on my RSS feed) and I'd have to say that the one I love most is the sailor gear post. Just because it's so anti-the usual with its colors (white and navy?!) and yet it falls into the vintage, sweetly adorable style that gets overlooked for the usual corsets and ruffles and black and brown. The 1950s had awesome style AND hourglass figures. I'm really happy to start hunting down more stuff like that to round out my closet.

Secondary, vain love for the cute animals post (and all others similar that include creatures), since that's the basis of my illustrations and I can't get enough of them.

Trista said...

Love the new layout!

My favorite post was this one about the alternative little black dress:

The rest of us need an option outside of classic chanel-like garbs!

I have been a follower since the beginning.

I just tweeted about the contest. Thanks for this opportunity!

I enjoy this blog thoroughly so keep up the good work!

Tiffany Westlund said...

I adore all your posts - picking the most sumptous items, but I particularly loved the "Lolly" post

I also follow your blog, have it listed on my blog list and follow on twitter.

off to retweet now

- Tiffany

Aik said...

I love the Cretaceous Mermaid dinosaur sea monster gothic fantasy fairy art print - Strangeling featured in your
By The Sea post. The mermaid looks mysterious.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

TiLT said...

Ok - now that I cleared the drool off the keyboard...too much goodness to pick just one. I always love anything by Catherinette but that Steampunk Quilt Aranel rocks!
I love taking the classic and twisting it (well, I suppose that describes most of these goodies...), but there is something about that one that just stays with me.

I also tweeted the giveaway (was already following you - great, now I sound like a stalker)

Plus - I am a blog follower (see, still stalky)

my info should be in my profile, but to be on the safe side:

orpheus said...

i've just folllowed your blog!

hope to have the pendant...


orpheus said...

#1 i have made a blog entry about this contest on my friendster blog.

here's the link:




orpheus said...

#2 i have made a blog entry about this contest on my friendster blog.

here's the link:




orpheus said...

made a tweet about this giveway!

here's my account:




orpheus said...

i love your post about steam art!
the illustrations were so cool and the craftsmanship is really there!


janil said...

I was watching your fantastic blog and I found so cute the post: Cute (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/06/cute.html). Lovely animals!!!

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

janil said...


madz said...

just followed youyr blog with my username as "madz"


madz said...

i made a journal entry on my tagged site awaring my friends about this contest.




madz said...

i made a journal entry on my tagged site awaring my friends about this contest.




madz said...


my twitter account in which i made a tweet about this exciting giveaway!


madz said...

i love your post about the jacket and bolero ("jacket required")

i have plenty of boleros at my closet and i wanna have those in the pics too!


scholar said...


followed you as "scholar"

nice blog! the posts are really interesting...

scholar said...

made a tweet with my twitter account at:



scholar said...


i love your post about robots! robomonkey surely rocks!

tags said...

just found about this giveaway in etsy.

i followed your blog!


tags said...

i saw your feature item about clocks. the steampunk treasure trunk looks fantastic... same as those on pirates!


tags said...

just tweet about this contest
here's the link:


eagle's claw said...


followed your blog!

JP said...

I love the Steampunk-style time machine (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=20434390) on your Gadgets and Gizmos post (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/03/gadgets-and-gizmos.html)


JP said...

Following the blog!


JP said...

And.... I tweeted! http://twitter.com/denimdebutante/status/3224972552


eagle's claw said...

i got attracted with your feature item Antique Chinese Cut Coin Medallion w/ Yin Yang, I Ching, Dragons. looks very ancient and classic.


eagle's claw said...

i tweeted about this contest!


Kate8085 said...

Ok, so it is really hard to pick just one item, so I picked two from your past posts.

1.Elegant Gothic Lolita underbust corset apron dress -custom- SkeletonsCloset


2.The 3.5 X 5 Inch BLUE OCTOPUS Print Scalloped Black Border - marystracle

This giveaway is too awesome..
the Gear Necklace by Zkitten needs to be around my neck! It rules!!


Kate8085 said...

Already follow you. :)


alEJA said...

i love the modern geisha red dress on your post last july i think... very punky!


alEJA said...

just tweeted!



whin said...

followed your blog too!


Kate8085 said...

Following you on Twitter and just tweeted about the giveaway.



whin said...

i'd like to wear that venice bronze mask in opur costume party next month!


whin said...

just made a tweet in my twitter account



ArbiT said...

tweeted this contest!

heres my account address:



ArbiT said...

followed your site too!


ArbiT said...

your feature product Steampunk Gothic Victorian Circus Striped Beetlejuice Puff Sleeve Shrug a couple of months ago really amazed me in some way that i want to buy it!


Anonymous said...

Well, it's rather a toss up between the post with Bertram the Mechanical bird and the one with the octopus pendants. So difficult to choose, though and so very glad to have found your site. I've been clinging to this aesthetic for so many years, that I still haven't quite grasped that it's been named and officialized.

redrub05@yahoo.co.uk said...

I think it has to be he Corseted Buckled Gother Leather Coat. Though the Luxuria Bolero jacket would make a perfect gift for a person I know...

Jingle said...

You have such a cool blog! I love this post: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/explorer.html

Although, I am entranced by many!

Jingle said...

I tweeted! http://twitter.com/JustJingle/status/3247396855

Unknown said...

Wow, really hard to choose 1 item. I went through most of 2009 but when I came back to your main page I saw:

3. Steampunk Clock and Thermometer - diarmentcreations

and it stole my heart. I wish it was in my garden.

sukikins [@] gmail [dot] com

etaK said...

Oooh, I'm glad I found your blog. I love i!
My favorite article has to be Oh, Alice:


etaK said...

I tweeted, too :D


Photographer Leia said...

I found out about your blog through the Haute Macabre blog today and I'm so glad I did. What fantastic posts you have here. I was especially taken with the "Decadant Designs" post from March 31, 2009. The Blueberry Romance Sweet Melancholy Mary tunic from AttilaDesign is to *die* for. (sadly I clicked the link and it has already been sold.) I've become a follower of your blog and look forward to many beautiful posts in the future.


Unknown said...

Yay, for Twits (in tweed)!


sukikins [@] gmail [dot] com

Meshell said...

Pick your favorite? More like pick your favorites you would throw together :D While I am obsessed with most of the gadgets, the clothing drives me wild.

this is one of my favorite dresses you linked.

I am in love with the cogs and the swirls of this key necklace.

I am also going to be following your blog as I was linked to you by Haute Macabre :) I follow the good ol' fashion way of saving a link in my favorites.

Le Cornichon said...

I adore your blog! I have added a link to it on mine!

Anightgirl said...

I absolutely love Dress Garconne in the June 3rd page. I have an obsession with white and pinstripe and the lines of this outfit are amazing!

Tweeted, followed the blog and posted on my Facebook!

Jen said...

I absolutely LOVE the first one here: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/06/mask.html

Here's my blog post about the giveaway: http://guineverelynn.blogspot.com/2009/08/do-you-like-steampunk.html

My email: guineverelynn (at) dudleyzoo (dot) org

Amanda said...

Love this post about Asian steampunkish stuff http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/far-east.html

Amanda said...

I follow your blog and tweeted it too http://twitter.com/geekdetails

W said...

I love absolutely Balloon and Cat - Wall Decal by shadowtheatre!

Amanda said...

I follow your blog and tweeted it too http://twitter.com/geekdetails

and now it's on geekdetails facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Geek-Details/146338795620?ref=mf

Caitylyn said...

Wow! my favorite post... thats a toughie, but Top Hats from April 7th takes the cake. They're all so beautiful...

I followed your blog, and tweeted the contest! :
(hmm, twitter's not working right now so i can't get the link, but its my most recent tweet. ) www.twitter.com/caitlyn_

email: caitlynr@ymail.com

. c h o k l i t . said...

Okay lady, blogged about it HERE.

And if you're going to force me to pick a favorite, I'd have to say the circus girl in the Gas Mask post.

But I love them ALL.

Myke Amend said...

Is it too late to donate items for the giveaway?

If not, I'd love to put up a hand-embellished 14x11 Sabicu print.

Love the new site design BTW ^_^

Lorien said...

So hard to pick a favorite post, despite the oohing and aahing i do at the jewelry, i have to say all of the t-shirts posted on July 13th are wonderful and therefore that's the one.

am following on twitter - pamoptic.

also, attempting to post contest to lj, but the server is wonky. it will be up @ 4hour_ramona soon.

LovleAnjel said...

I wish I had found this site earlier! So many wonderful things I have missed out on...I now have this bookmarked.

My hands-down favorite post is Curiosity Cabinet. I am not nearly so organized as the featured artists with my dead and sundry things.


Unknown said...

Wow! Hard to pick, but my favorite entry has been A Fine Romance. Oh, the frilly goodness. <3


Unknown said...

And I just added you to my Google Reader subscriptions. :]


Unknown said...


My blog entry about it. ;]


Unknown said...


My tweet about it. :]


Rachel // Dragonfly said...

I am in *love* with that Little Devil and her Fairy Tale Garden-Pinkytoast print a while back. It's gorgeous. *_*


Rachel // Dragonfly said...

It has also been tweeted:


Rachel // Dragonfly said...

I also followed the blog.

And blogged about it too!

Brittany said...

Just found this blog and love it! Will follow momentarily :).

My favorite post has got to be the 'cute' post! Steampunk animals are so awesome :).

- silenscarmina@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I liked these picks a LOT:

So awesome!

Wasted Wishes said...

I love that striped bolero from Peccatus! Absolutely stunning. And this is such a great giveaway!


I follow your blog!

Xerise said...

hello i follow your blog! if I must pick a favorite I would have to say the cicadas feature... I'm still oddly nostalgic for those insects, since I now, sadly, live in a cicada-free area of the country. I also loved the features on ephemera, especially in jewelry and art objects. I find your blog very creatively inspiring, so thank-you!

Krystal said...

my favorite post is

I love the print of Mr Bunner the Rabbit Master. Unfortunately it's gone now.

I blogged about it here: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=17363529&blogId=505068160


Anonymous said...

My absolute favorite item on the blog is this post: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/brown.html

I adore the craftsmanship put into each of the items, but especially love Jazuchan's leather top

Anonymous said...

It's not that old of a post: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/08/buggy.html

But I love that. Those bugs items are so cute. I'm glad I'm not the onliy one who likes those little creepies.


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower. =]


Anonymous said...

My favourite post was the circus post ^^


I love anything to do with the circus! <3
I got your blog in my favourites :P


or just message my LJ ^^

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on twitter


Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway:


Anonymous said...

I blogged about this giveaway. Forgive my pathetic/new blog. It won't always be like that. =]



Anonymous said...

Blog entry #2


Anonymous said...

Oh, my, how dreadfully difficult to choose just one favourite post!
Out of all the myriad intriguing and lovely items, I have to nominate the darling little air kraken from 9 July's post. My best friend is having her first in October... that is a dreadfully tempting little shower gift.


Gypsy Thornton said...

Ooh, ooh! Can't choose! The brass jhournal, no! The steampunk bra.. Oh, Old Absinthe armwarmers, no wait! Steampunk Alice!

*wipes drool from sides of mouth*

I've tweeted, I'm following you and the blog too. Now excuse me while I go back to browsing (and drooling).

Gypsy Thornton said...

In case it isn't easy to find me through my profile, here's my Twitter account:

And can I add The Cabinet of Curiosity too?

*returns to drooling, er, browsing*

Crystal said...

I am pretty in love with all the Cabinets you featured in your July 17th post... i can't believe these are/were all on Etsy! i'm obviously not looking hard enough.

Nixon Sixx said...

I hope you got some traffic from out post! Here is the official link to our blog about the contest:


Lisa said...

It's so hard to choose!! I think my favorite featured item at the moment is the Black Peacock Feather Train Goth Wedding Gown Corset Bustier Sweetheart from LOVEKARLAK made in your May 7th LBD post:http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/05/little-black-dress.html.
I also especially love the Gear Necklace in this giveaway!

Elina said...

I totally want the grey collar with the buttons. I may even make one.



Elina said...

PS I follow your blog.

Edel said...

There's far too much to choose from!! It'll have to be the octopus chandelier featured on April 6th though. Genius.

Also following :) I can't believe I only recently discovered this blog.


Unknown said...

My favorite is definitely the . Gamete earrings - sterling silver from your April 16 post. Lovely, simple enough to wear to work, but with that extra something.

I follow your blog.

rachael (dot) tatman (at) gmail (dot) com

Artsnark said...

June's MASK collection was my fave. Already a follower

Artsnark said...

Blogged about your amazing contest in
This Post

RockLove said...

This is me, killing for a chance at one of those stupendous prizes!

- Well I'm a long time reader and subscriber to ALL things TotusMel, plus I have a few of Pam's delicious tattings

- Tweeted it

- Facebooked it

- "GADGETS AND GIZMOS" is honestly my favorite blog (besides Gothic Silver which you generously featured me)... That steampunk style time machine, the bike... hell, I'm considering the Victorian Lamp Shade for my studio!

- now time to bloggy blog...

GingerBedlam said...

It's so hard to pick just one...but I'll go with the corsetry as art post...those things are fashion candy and torture devices all in one...and how can you go wrong with that?


administrator said...

My favorite is definitely Friday, July 3, 2009 - Independent! I fell totally in love with those retro looks, and still dream of the reversible dress!

I follow your blog and here, I've twittered the contest and added a link on my Facebook today too!

Keep up the great blogging :)

contact info: rouxmad (at) gmail (dot) com

Lady Zombie said...

I just began following your Blog - it's beautiful, and I am pleased that Haute Macabre directed me here. The cast silver jewelry listed is gorgeous! Keep up the fantastic work. :)

Sheryl Coleman said...

Hiyas! Love the robots! Like this post from April: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/robot-friends.html

Following the blog too now! Gorgeous items you find!

Ghostgirl said...

My absolute favorite post so far was your one on cabinets:
I'm fascinated by them, and it never occurred to me that others were as well!
I followed you with my blog, http://hotmetalandmethedrine.blogspot.com/ (which is terribly unused, I mainly use it to follow interesting blogs ;D)
Aaand, followed you on twitter, as well as posted about your awesome contest: http://twitter.com/ghost_girl13
I found your blog through someone retweeting about your contest, but I've had you as a favorite on etsy for awhile. :) Small world!

Sheryl Coleman said...

You have been tweeted and facebooked! :> but you probably knew that already!


Scelesta said...

I just discovered your blog through a facebook post. Everything is beautiful, but my favorite post has to be the Jackets Required.

I also just started following your blog! Thanks for writing :)


Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore the Cephalapod post. So cool.

Amethiste said...

I discovered the blog via Rocklove, and my favorite thus far has got to be Use It (http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/08/use-it.html)! Keep it up, the things you post are brilliant!

Also, Facebook has been duly posted: http://www.facebook.com/sparklegirl13

Contact: iloveseacows422@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I really like the June 25th post on Masks. I had been looking for the perfect mask and finally found one :)


I am a follower of your blog :)

Elizabeth said...

It's so hard to pick just one thing, because I lust after everything on this site. I think my favorite though is the Taxidermy Gothic Victorian Hairpice by Lovedtodeath, from the May 28 post "Chicken Legs." I have a soft spot of taxidermy.


Digital Misfit said...

Every post has something that I am intrigued by, or simply adore!
One of my favorites is from the July 24 post Miscellany - the Steampunk Metal Bra series 002 - brooksbot75. Seriously - how fabulous is that?!


Digital Misfit said...

I am a follower :)


InGothWeTruss said...

Morbid greetings! I so adore this site after being sent a link yesterday!! Wow, it is all I need in an online mag of sorts.
I can't truly pic just one, but I absolutely loved apocolypse then, the studded duster-by rezoom. And anything steampunk. I now follow your blog, tweeted youhttps://twitter.com/georgianaw21, and myspace bloggedhttp://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll and facebooked ithttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1339111694&ref=profile
Thank you for a great page and a great contest!!!

Zev said...

+Following! I can't believe I wasn't a follower sooner.

+I will be posting on my own blog about the giveaway, complete with pictures and link, on Friday. (Next scheduled posting day.)

+Finally, I am fond of so many of the things on here, but an item that really got my attention was the "Lion's Golden Eye", mentioned in this post. I'm a Leo, and I'm a sucker for steam-y eyepatches and monocles.

Contact: z_chevat@yahoo.com


Unknown said...

I love this bird necklace here:


Simple in it's elegance!

Magdalena Kamenev said...

My entry into steampunk is a love of clockwork, so my favorite post has to be the Clockwork one: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/05/clockwork.html
Such lovely clockwork art (I like 2D and 3D clockwork).

I've also RTed the giveaway: http:twitter.com/magzkam

Contact: magz.kam@gmail.com

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

I like the independent post. the wiggle dress is fabulous. I'd also love to win any of the delicious prizes.



Carapace said...

You will think I just didn't do my research, but in fact I really truly loved your Buggy post,and have made RatsliveonanEvilStar one of my Etsy favorites.

But oh my gosh, I wasn't a follower! How did that happen? I'm over here all the time!

Well, I'm a follower now! Now, off to find more people to enter...Mama needs a new bustle skirt!


There, I think that's all my contact info!:D

Paige said...

Oh, picking a favorite is soooo hard... there's so much awesome here... but I'm gonna say http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/animal.html, especially the Cyborg Seahorse Necklace... Though the steampunk rustic wear from April 24th was a close second...

Tweeted @ http://twitter.com/paigeedd.
And just followed the blog.
BTW, got here through Haute Macabre...

Paige said...

Okay, couldn't resist the extra chances... blogged here:

Anonymous said...

as you said... Wow! We Are So Fragile... (frayed ruffle cropped jacket) is to die for!

I love it!

Cassandra said...


Love the ocean so naturally, I think this post is awesome!!

I already follow your site and LOVE it, everything you guys post is right up my alley.

You can reach me at:

thanks for hope i win!!

Christian said...

Julian DiMarco is my favorite. What wonderful creations! Thanks for finding all these great things.

Adele said...

The Gas post was totally creepy in a bad Dr. Who flashback kind of way. (Mummy?)

But I really liked the Odd post with the Steampunk Gears by metalforge. Totally awesome.


And the website is beautiful!

anninja said...

I really like #2 - Absinthe Magnet by WinonaCookie


Evilstar said...

Ok after much drooling over all the eye candy here, I have decided the Cicada post is my favorite!


I love every item featured in it!

I am already a follower.

ratslive at gmail dot com

ABrushWithHumor said...

I'm most fond of the "In the Sea" post - I LOVE all things nautical. My favorite is the print of the Sea Witch! Thanks for the great contest. I am following your blog so I will not miss any more great giveaways in the future!

Robinleigh49 at gmail dot com

Ashe said...

1. http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/top-hats.html Definitely this one! We know how much I love the hattie bits ;D

2. I already subscribe to your bloggity bits.

3. http://twitter.com/ashemischief/status/3286503139 (Tweeted!)

4. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/ashleyhrobison?ref=nf (It's on FB, but I'm not sure how long it'll be at the top...)

(That scotch necklace is singing my name!)

Anonymous said...

HOW has your wonderful blog existed for so long without me noticing it? *agonizes* Gothy steampunkness and Etsy--I am so in love.

As for my entry, this post is my favorite: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/gothic-glamour.html, and that Drusilla Tiara is a wonder to behold. It's a treasure. I'm saving the pictures just so I can drool over it whenever I need a good gothic jewelry fix.

And that bustle skirt is FAB-U-LOUS. The little hitch in the peplum is the perfect touch.

Birdie! said...

I totally follow you here.... and on Twitters.... and tweeted you.... (recently, even: http://twitter.com/Birdiee/status/3289243747) and I love all the robot posts (R.O.B.O.T) and the jacket post (I think I should make one!) and gears and explorers.

Basically I net stalk you cus you have the most amazing Steamy finds. xo

bison61 said...

I like the Thursday, July 23, 2009 post on Fantasy

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Wicked Halo said...

My fave is the black linen steampunk short sleeve top featured in

I'm also following you and I've tweeted about the giveaway

michelle said...

so far my favorite of all time is cephalopods http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/07/cephalopod.html

I follow your twitter and I was in your tatting challenge last year. I love your work! I RT'd your last call for entries... I'm a little slow this morning.

glass (at) skyisland.com

Y said...

I love Urban Alice in Wonderland dress... amazing.

Jacys Adventures said...


Yay two more entries!!

I love this jacket http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=22004627

jacyguzman at rocketmail dot com

Jacys Adventures said...

And for my last entry....


Although I don't know where I would wear it. It looks pretty sick

once again my blog post was

jacyguzman at rocketmail dot com

Gypsy Eyes Jewelry said...

Absolutely Absinthe!
Love the looks, love the drink. Lucky me I have partook on more than one occasion of the real deal. T'would be that much more magical if my drink hand were enrobed in Raven Eve's
Olde Absinthe Lace Slave Cuff Armwarmer


Kim said...

Love them all, of course, but I am partial to the "Mask" post from June 25.

Sidereal Day said...

Okie dokie, finally found a minute to do this...Yay!
Too much to choose from but I would have to say one of my fav's is the Black linen shirt from July 8.
I've posted http://siderealday.blogspot.com/2009/08/steampunkery.html
and followed as well.
Thanks U!

Gem said...

the Zkitten Gear Necklace is AMAZING. definitely my favourite!

email is gem_photo@hotmail.com

sabrita said...

I stumbled onto your blogspot and into a wonderful new Steamy world. I am intrigued and look forward to further exploration. I checked out a post on Aug. 7 about Steamy Art and found much that I liked,and even more that I loved! Thank you!

victats@gmail.com said...

At first I thought Creepy (cute but creepy) that was in July, then I saw the Oh Alice on June 29th. That's my favorite. I love Strangelings art and the dress is too fun!

Lacy B Timeless said...

I found you thanks to Myke Amend, and I'm so happy I did!

I read through all of your posts, they're all so wonderful! I can't pick just one, so I'll settle for the following:

Lace, one of my favourite things in the world, Top Hats, Necking, Gothic Princess for their feminine charm and inspiration.

Both Cabinet posts, because I'm a big Wunderkammer enthusiast and make my own.

Both Gadget posts, because they make me dream I COULD make my own.

Wow, Art, Deap Sea Adventures(discovered WinonaCupcake here-happy), Woman, Absinthe, and Wow....and Bunnies, as I am a bunny fanatic!

See, I couldn't settle on one,:0

I added you on Twitter and tweeted here:

posted to Facebook here:

and I'm now following you!

Oh, and I'd not heard of Julian DiMarco before, so that was brilliant also, and have bookmarked Mr. Able as well! Thanks!

email to phoenixmarieparis at gmail dot com.


Nebula said...

This is a fantastic blog, and definitely an extremely desirable contest!!!

I love Bertram from June 30th

July 30th was also a favorite- I ADORE that kimono bustle dress!

I've subscribed by Google Reader and I've reposted this on my Tumblr (http://deliriumsden.tumblr.com/)

Thank you for a fantastic new addiction, I mean addition to my reading list!

Unknown said...

Finally got around to sitting at the computer long enough to post on my blog - http://www.fortheloveofbeads.com/blog/blogroll/steampunk-giveaway/ - I hope it sends some more people your way =D


Anonymous said...

This is the best ever - just lush! If I had to choose? Right now I love the Black Linen Steampunk short sleeve top...oon July 8. Great site.

Amity said...

So much lovely stuff! I like Bertram the mechanical bird. Hope you unlock the last two prizes - they are stupendous.

Katie Smithington said...

Blog entry - http://k-smithington.livejournal.com/110277.html
tweet - http://twitter.com/ksmithington/status/3320828590
Fave post would be the Gothic Princess post from march 27th!I love the bridal skirt! :)

You can contact me at Gearsandmachines@hotmail.com
take care love!

K. Smithington said...

and I'm now following you, under my visigothique mail. That would be business-ish mail, but you can contact either

francowitch said...

I have been following you under my blog "jes" and through twitter.

For my favs, well there are a few... I love this blog as it really opens up to some interesting finds and artists located on Esty.

Some of my favs:
14Aug - In Wings
-rather liked the crow piece

13July - Casual
-big tee fan, so these were rather neat to see and added a few new fav vendors for me

22June - Aaaargh
-I heart the corsets and now am following Michelle's website, blog and shop

19Jun - Chainmaille
-loved the hair piece, if only my hair wouldnt tangle in those I would purchase... *cry*

And I follow you on both blogger, twitter and on esty.

my email:
francowitch [at] gmail [dot] com

[no spaces]

Looking forward always to more!

Crimsnfirestorm said...

Over from Haute Macabre. I have to say that some of my favorite things are the Rust Oak Leaf Vixen Pirate Coat ("Aaaarg," 06/29/09) and the Octopus Tentacle Earrings ("By the Sea," 07/10/09). But I'm also always a sucker for a nice pair of goggles...

My email address is crimsnfirestorm[at]verizon[dot]net. I am also following the blog in my Google Reader. Awesome giveaway!

ElizabethJane. said...

LOVE the hummingbird skull necklace from billyblue22. I'm obsessed with bone jewelry of any kind...

But I also HAVE to say, "Where has this blog been all my life?" !!

I love you guy's particular brand of style. My kind of things.

My email is located on my profile but also here, just in case:

ElizabethJane. said...

Followed your fantastic blog!

My email is located on my profile but also here, just in case:

ElizabethJane. said...

Followed and tweeted!


My email is located on my profile but also here, just in case:

Melissa said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of these fabulous prizes. I just signed up to follow your blog. The most difficult thing is just to pick one entry/featured item but I’m going to choose the Silver Poet Aristocrat – CelestialShadow from July 23rds “Fantasy” post. Although I really do love it all.

ElizabethJane. said...

Blogged it!


My email is located on my profile but also here, just in case:


ElizabethJane. said...

Blogged it!


My email is located on my profile but also here, just in case:


Melissa said...

I’m back to let you know that I’ve blogged about this and leave the link. http://melissaburford.typepad.com/burford_designs/2009/08/the-great-wunderkammer-giveaway.html
And that I tweeted about it too (and that I’m following you there as well). http://twitter.com/burford_designs
Thanks again.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


I live for the Queen of Hearts necklace by 3rexesjewelry.

Also, I love the necklace and bracelet combo I purchased from you.


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post: http://totusmelswunderkammer.blogspot.com/2009/04/curious-creatures.html for two reasons. Firstly, the octopus chandelier is just too cool. Secondly, it led me to the blog of the creator, which I enjoy very much. I also enjoy your blog very much and have it in my booksmarks. Thanks for the contest!

Alice said...

You have lots of great stuff, but my very favourite is the Gothic Glamour post from April 30th. Pure gorgeousness.


Valerie said...

wow, all fabulous hoardings, if you ask me. love many of the items presented. my favourite is the series of necklaces made from vintage booze tags! gorgeous and unique. they sure strike a cord...

i'm already following you on this blog. thanks for the fun.


Unknown said...

I like the Garden Dragonfly button bracelet.
jswandrn @ gmail.com

Valerie said...

Pam, just want to let you know that I'd posted about your giveaway on my blog and twittered about it too. Have been following you on Twitter.


Kitika said...

posted link on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Kristen-Dykes/1070514155
and I follow both your blogs through google reader.

I think one of my favorites is "here comes the sun." I hunt and hunt every summer for NON-flowery sun dresses, and almost always come up short. But I love almost everything you have posted here!

email is ashicka@gmail.com

Casandra said...

So many items to choose from ... but i definitely go for the gorgeous ABSINTHE - Solid STERLING SILVER Liquor Label Necklace. email: dikatzen@yahoo.fr

Elizabeth Darvill said...

Alrighty got my blog up now :) http://elizabethdarvill.com/wordpress/

Khristi Nunnally said...

I loved your buggy post!! Cure Critters!!!

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