Dark, delicious and extremely elegant Gothic creations.

2. Drusilla tiara - acpertille
3. Young Marie Antoinette Cameo Corset in Rococo and Stripe Fabrics - louiseblack
4. The Gray Lady Silver Secret Scents Locket - skwelgrrl
I was feeling a bit dramatic, so I searched for things to enhance that perfectly. A lacy cuff adds sweetness. A gorgeous tiara adds, well, royalty. A louiseblack corset adds artistic elegance and a beautiful locket with a secret adds not only sparkle, but scent.
delicious. the stripes on that corset drive me to delightful distraction!
Gorgeous collection!! It's an honor to be included in this feature, especially when chosen by such an outstanding artist as yourself. Thank you so much xo La Camelot
Stunning selection!
Very cool as usual!
I have a striped Louise Black corset ad I adore it.
That corset is incredible!
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